Bus-fare jitters - JUTC seeking up to 40 per cent hike
The state-run bus company is seeking a 40 per cent hike in adult fares despite its recent claim that it understands the financial constraints facing its customers. Ministry of Transport officials yesterday confirmed that the Jamaica Urban Transit Company...
Mill Bank grief slowly subsiding
Exactly eight months have passed since eight residents, of Mill Bank, Portland, were killed in the December 19 market-truck accident in Portland's Rio Grande Valley. The community that was overrun with mourners and visitors on funeral day is back to its quiet self...
Economic shocks derailed plans
In our column published in The Sunday Gleaner yesterday, we judged that the Golding administration failed to meet most of the targets it set for itself in its 2007 election manifesto. But we also noted that events rapidly overtook the country, making any manifesto outdated.
'I can go faster'
MADRID (AP): Fresh from setting a pair of world records, Usain Bolt is ready to go faster.The Jamaican sprinter, who took part in a ceremonial kick-off celebrating the start of the Spanish league at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium this weekend...
EDITORIAL - Golding administration needs policy cohesion
IT WOULD be the worst cynic who would claim that the Golding administration, in these bad economic times, is not faced with difficult decisions - like last week's announcement by Education Minister Andrew Holness of the deferment of the construction ...
LETTER OF THE DAY - Hoping for change
THE EDITOR, Sir: HAROLD MALCOLM's letter, 'Take Charge of the police force Mr Commissioner', said it and summed it up nicely. I am a Jamaican who left the island when I was six years old, and even though I did not see any of the atrocities...
'Nambo' nabs spotlight at Redbones
For someone who has spent most of his 30-odd years in the music business at the back of the bandstand, Ronald 'Nambo' Robinson sure knows how to handle the glare of centre stage.Last Thursday, the burly trombonist led an eight-piece band through 'Freedom Sounds'...
Romeich Wear is here to stay
He is only 24 years old but raw ambition and creative talent, not age, determined his level of success. Romeich Major, designer and founder of Romeich Wear, has created a name for himself as one of the top male clothing designers in the local industry.