Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | August 31, 2009
Home : Letters
Calling for EU help

I READ with interest various articles on proposed assistance to communities affected by the closure of banana plantations.

Victoria Banana at Parnarsus adjoining York Town should be a prime area for a socio-economic study on communities which are negatively impacted when companies employing large numbers of unskilled or semiskilled persons are suddenly shut down.

The once vibrant communities of York Town and surrounding areas have now descended into "killing fields". Armed unemployed youths roam large tracks of the most arable irrigated lands that lay fallow. Over 20 Jamaicans have been killed within the past 12 months. The latest being a young woman riding a bicycle, shot brutally as she was returning home from a wake in the area.

I am now calling on the administrators of the European Union (EU) funds to help create jobs in the affected areas. One seminar was held at York Town Community centre which provided general information and collected data. What is needed is an emergency programme to give young people access to land and inputs.

Massive bureaucracy

The massive bureaucracy surrounding the programme has frustrated those who tried to get assistance. The time has come get the assistance to the young people before it is too late.

Incidentally, the same seems to be the approach in the sugar industry; the EU funds remains locked up in the Government's bureaucracy, while surrounding impoverished communities languish.

The EU commissioner recently signed another agreement with the government to fund agricultural production. Will this one follow previous programmes?

I am, etc,

Noel Arscott

75 Manchester Ave

May Pen, Clarendon

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