Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | August 31, 2009
Home : Letters
A deeper education needed to save our country

WE ARE hearing time and time again that the lack of education is one of the major causes of crime and violence, and that we need to educate our people. But we need to get this education business clear so that everyone can understand. For instance, despite it being said that the pen is mightier than the sword, to my knowledge, education does not only mean the book and the pen or the pursuit of academics. But I will get back to this later.

There is a need to educate our young people so that they will not turn to violence; but from an academic point of view, education will not solve the crime problem the way we are expecting it to. It may reduce it by a slight margin, but will not have a profound effect on stamping it out.

Basic knowledge

Knowing good form evil and bearing one another burden is part of the education process. Being a good Samaritan and loving your neighbour are part of the education process. If you can read and write; if you are qualified at the tertiary level or at a mediocre stage in your education, it's also part of the process.

If you are well educated and are discriminating against your fellowmen, putting up barriers and building walls of disunity; this is a crime in disguise. You may have the best education in the world, but the inner-self, the inner-you, can be very empty - lacking the fruits of humility, love, patience or godliness.

We need to educate our young about godliness, etiquette and good manners. We need to tell them that God has given them their true self-image, so they do not need to compete with anyone; or try to be somebody else.

What Jamaica needs first and foremost is love. Love is the answer to our problems.

If the murderers and criminals had love in their hearts, they wouldn't be killing people.

I am, etc.,

Donald Jefferson McKoy

St Andrew

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