Left: Jerry D before weight loss.
Right: Jerry D after weight loss
Recent research has revealed that for the first time ever, the number of overweight people in the world has surpassed the number of starving ones? Global obesity is on the rise and the latest figures show that the number of overweight people worldwide will double by 2015.
With the ViSalus Body by Vi programme, you can "let the real you show through" in three simple steps. No other programme offers this simplicity or the completeness of meeting dieting challenges for such an affordable price.
Three solutions to most dieters' challenges:
1. Eating right and cutting calories.
2. Boosting a tired metabolism and helping with energy.
3. Helping to calm hunger and the stress of dieting.
Lose weight and keep it off
Best of all, the programme provides a simple way to not only lose weight, but to help you keep it off too!
The ViShape products offer a fast but ideal meal that is economical and nutritious. This will give the body what it needs to lose weight. No more counting calories or trying to balance how to get the right mix of nutrients within your calorie limit.
The programme is flexible to fit your needs. You can define how you use it to meet your lifestyle, even a lifestyle that's on the go. Just use Vi-Shape, Vi-Slim and Vi-Trim twice per day to lose weight, or once per day to help you maintain your trim, slim shape, and follow them with healthy snacks and meals.
Results not typical. Healthy weight loss is anywhere between one or two pounds per week. Results vary by amount of weight you need to lose, diet, exercise and adherence to the programme. These products are not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Note: You should not take this product if you are pregnant or lactating, or using blood thinning medication. Please consult your physician prior to use.
Networking Tool
Here in Jamaica, many of us were introduced to ViSalus when a number of persons began to use it as a network marketing tool that enabled them to drive and own spanking new BMWs. More recently through regular weekly advertisements in Flair, more has been learnt about this product. This includes the fact that many persons who have used the weight loss product are seeing results worth boasting about.
Popular entertainment personality Jerry D lost 19 pounds in two months with a combination of the Vi-Shape product and regular exercise. He told Flair that he has always had weight challenges and his big-boned frame has not helped.
He begins the day with a shake of the product and a ripe banana. The shake can be mixed with dairy or soy milk or water or even your favourite fruit drink. But sugar is not necessary. That is usually by 7:30 and he has small a meal like a patty and a drink three hours later followed by his main meal and another shake later in the evening.
"I began the programme on April 21 and by June 23 I was down to 19 pounds less. My goal is to lose anywhere between 40 and 50 pounds," Jerry D said. He said pressures of work and travel intervened but he is now back on track for over a week.
"I don't feel hungry because the two shakes provide me with optimal nourishment and being a foodie, I don't have to give up the things I love to eat. I would not call it dieting at all; it's a weight management programme," he added.
Jerry D confesses that he has, in the past, tried many diets but failed to sustain them. "This product does not produce a drastic result, it is more sustained."
Next week, we will share the stories of Daphne Meikle, a retired teacher, who lost two dress sizes and is still going strong, and Lorraine Mayne, a busy flight attendant, who is maintaining her weight, eating healthier and has lost her regular sniffles.
For more information, email yvonnemyrie@yahoo.com or call 579-4427.
Daphne Meikle (right), a retired teacher, Jerry D and Lorraine Mayne, a busy flight attendant, three success stories of ViShape shake.
- photos by Barbara Ellington