Regarding the tragedy at Armadale, there are only two outcomes when you throw tear gas into a confined space where those inside are not free to exit - asphyxiation and fire. Don't be surprised that the police's version of the story contradicts what was witnessed.
Admitting to throwing tear gas into a confined space is tantamount to admitting to mass murder. As a matter of fact, why are we still referring to 'the police'? Who are they? What are their names? When civilians commit crimes, don't their names get published in the press? Why should it be any different with 'criminals' in uniform?
- Denton Tyndale
Church-bashing editorial
Your Saturday editorial indicates that you either have not been to church in a long time or you are going to the wrong churches. Churches, especially Seventh-day Adventist, have been promoting healthy eating and exercise for years!
Please stop repeating old clichés in your populist, church-bashing editorial.
- Omar Kenyata
Kingston 20
Proud of our athletes
I use this opportunity to express sincere congratulations to the Caribbean athletes, the Jamaicans in particular, who have performed well in Berlin, Germany.
As a Jamaican, I am proud to be associated with these athletes who have once more placed Jamaica and the Caribbean on to the world stage. I wish them well and trust that they continue to fly their country's flag high. The Jamaican team was particularly impressive with seven gold, four silver and two bronze medals. May God bless them all.
- Deniel Lawes
Return to God
The hardship that we are experiencing is a result of Jamaicans, in particular, the leaders of this country rejection of God. We have been classified as a Christian nation, having more churches per square mile than any other country in the world. Yet, the churches are almost void of men and the nation is among the most murderous in the world.
The economy has hit rock bottom because we have failed to give back to God what belongs to Him. Read Malachi 3:6-12. As a nation, God has blessed us, but we have failed Him and He has distanced Himself from us. Let us, as a nation, come together like the Ninevites in Jonah 3:1-10; return to God, from the greatest to the least, from Gordon House to alms house, and hold God to His promises.
- James Tulloch