All Jamaicans, including the diaspora in every country feel a sense of pride over the accomplishment of Usain Bolt. He has accomplished a lot for himself and Jamaica, setting records and putting Jamaica on to the map. Bolt is my idol because he is someone who uses talent, ambition and discipline to do great for himself and his country.
Bolt is a great man of humble beginnings. Like most Jamaicans, he was not born in a rich family or had any special privileges. The principles of ambition and hard work were evident in Bolt as a runner in high school and college. Using these principles, he developed an appreciation for life and the results are amazingly obvious.
'The sky is the limit'
Every young Jamaican need to use Bolt as an example and know that if you are ambitious and work hard, only 'the sky is the limit'. Most of us will not run as Bolt, but each has a special gift that he can use to impact our surroundings. I encourage every young person in Jamaica not to see these events as passing glory, but use Bolt as a cue to achieve their own dreams whatever they may be.
Bolt has already carved his name in the annals of history as one of the greatest athletes. History is left to say what his legacy will be. If Bolt continues with his spectacular performance, history will possibly say he is the greatest sprinter of all time. I believe that as Bolt, young people in Jamaica should not only think of today, but also of the legacy that they will leave behind because of their accomplishments today. I am happy to be a Jamaican when I see Bolt on the word stage. But every time I see the guy, I ask myself, how can I be great in my own way? I am motivated by Bolt to be excellent in the way I am blessed to.
I am, etc,
nyron blake
Brooklyn, NY