Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | October 14, 2009
Home : Letters
Silence - help for criminals
The Editor, Sir:

Every well-thinking Jamai-can who still calls Jamaica home and intends to make it that way needs to take heed.

Jamaica is heading to a situation of anarchy where the crime situation is concerned and every day that we wake up without it being checked we are closer to a point of no return. But funny enough, we do have a bright future and the solution is within our very grasp. It only requires a sense of patriotism and decency to make the turnaround we need.

I dare say we 'ain't' see nothing yet if we allow this present culture to continue. What is ahead will be worse than any death squad that we have ever read or heard about, so help us God.

Our brother's keeper

If our Jamaican citizenry continues to be silent; if they continue to say it is none of my business; if they continue to say the police are going to say who told them; if we refuse to be our brother's keeper and look out for our neighbours, we will see unfol-ding before us a wave of violence as never seen before.

Why is this so? Because the criminals are now emboldened by the fact that we feel enough fear and have developed enough complacency that they no longer have the slightest fear of being caught and dealt with whether in the court of law or through any other form of justice that they deserve.

I am, etc.,

Lennox Denton



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