Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | September 23, 2009
Home : Commentary

EDITORIAL - Do Kartel and Mavado really respect their fans?
No matter what the nihilists among us might argue, it can't be right, and certainly isn't legal, to enter a crowded theatre and shout "fire". Quite appropriately, as Adidja Palmer would appreciate, you would be held accountable for the ensuing stampede and the injuries...

Leadership is Lindy Delapenha
Ink was still wet on the Leadership column when Little D called. "Archbishop," he began with my UWI nickname, "is foolishness you writing! You know I was the best domino player!" "Yes, you were always a legend in your own mind...

All trivial, indeed!
In a letter to The Gleaner published on Monday, Dave McFarlane contemptuously dismisses as "all trivial" my concerns about quality assurance in university education in Jamaica these days. He's right. According to the Oxford English Dictionary...

Congratulations to our athletes - It's a great move by Prime Minister Bruce Golding to name Highway 2000 after the fastest man on earth, Usain Bolt, and give him the nation's fourth highest honour, the Order of Jamaica.

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