Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 13, 2009
Home : Outlook
Final farewells for the Cresswells

Venezuelan Embassy deputy, Madai Hernandez (left), chats with Senegalese Ambassador Dr Nafissatou Diagne at the Consular Corps farewell reception for British High Commissioner Jeremy Cresswell. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

The farewells and cheerios seemed like they couldn't stop for former British High Commissioner Jeremy Cresswell and wife, Dr Barbara Munske.

One of the last came from the Consular Corps of Jamaica, with a little get-together at the chic Spanish Court Hotel on Wednesday, December 2. Dean of the corps, William Tavares-Finson, joked that when many people host a farewell for you, it's either because they are sad and don't want you to go, or they're happy you're going and want to make sure you leave. But with Cresswell and Munske, we know it was the former reason that motivated everyone.

parting words

Tavares-Finson called them friends of the corps, who recognised its importance and he hoped they would pass on that bit of information to the incoming high commissioner. Cresswell, after admitting they didn't want to go, lauded the corps for the role it plays before assuring them "we will be thinking about Jamaica". The couple received a book filled with parting words from their colleagues.

Guests out included Argentine Ambassador Mario Pino and wife Fanny, French Ambassdor Marc-Olivier Gendry, Belgian Ambassador Frederic Meurice, Cuban Ambassador Yuri Gala, Russian Ambassador Victor Zotin, South African High Commissioner Faith Radebe, Japanese Ambassador Hiroshi Yamaguchi and wife Yoko, Colombian Ambassador Dr Ventura Emilio Diaz-Mejia, Marcelo Munoz and Madai Hernandez, Paul and Oriente Issa, Lois Lake-Sherwood, Andrew Issa, Igor Hevia, Irena Cousins, Dr Michael Banbury, Ainsley and Marjorie Henriques, Michael and Keva Hylton, Danville Walker, Alexandra Consten, Everoy Chin, Winston Bayley and Patrick Lynch.

Lois Lake-Sherwood (centre) has the attention of (from left) Keva and Michael Hylton, as well as Judith and Grantley Stephenson.

Honorary Consul to the Kingdom of Thailand, Thalia Lyn (left), and husband Michael (right), get a group hug with the guests of honour, departing British High Commissioner Jeremy Cresswell and wife, Dr Barbara Munske.

Something amuses (from left) Sara Silva, Senegalese Ambassador Dr Nafissatou Diagne and Dr Barbara Munske. In the background is Belgian Ambassador Frederic Meurice.

Indian High Commissioner Mohinder Grover (left) gives United States Chargé d'affaires Isiah Parnell and Mexican Ambassador Leonora Rueda something to laugh about.

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