Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 13, 2009
Lead Stories

Not an easy road, Buju held for cocaine possession in the United States
GRAMMY-NOMINATED deejay Buju Banton is being held in the Federal Detention Centre, Miami, Florida, in the United States following his arrest last Thursday on drug-related charges, a Miami Police Department spokesman confirmed yesterday.

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FURI extends helping hand to deportees
DEPORTATION, LIKE migration, has, over time, become a paramount theme in human history. Last year, as 23,580 persons were taking up permanent residence in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada, a total of 3,234 Jamaicans were being deported.

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George's lift Shield again
St George's College outclassed St Elizabeth Technical High School (STETHS) to capture their second straight Olivier Shield title at Harbour View Mini Stadium yesterday.In the second-leg contest, watched by two illustrious...

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Abandon FINSAC enquiry before embarrassment deepens
The FINSAC commissioners of enquiry should spare themselves further embarrassment and, possibly, irreparable damage to their reputations, by abandoning the current hearings.Maybe after an...

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Unlikely combination, Rebel Salute gets fizz from Pepsi
There will be five extra letters in the name of the huge annual concert at Port Kaiser Sports Club, St Elizabeth, when it is presented on January 16.

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Arts &Leisure

Giving rocksteady its due, New book focuses on often overlooked genre of Jamaican music
Despite its pitch-perfect harmonies and rocking bass lines, rocksteady is the perennial third-place finisher behind reggae and ska in the Jamaican popular music race.

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Back a 'yaad', Who says you can't go home again?
The last two years, PRO Communications' legendary annual shindig was taken from its Kingsway headquarters and even though it was still fun, some guests said there was a little something missing. So the PRO crew gave the people what they wanted, the laid-back, home-style atmosphere they truly love of Kingsway.

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In Focus

Why Jamaica won't grow
The Gleaner has for some time been waging a dogged, relentless, even fierce campaign for a radical shake-up of Jamaica's public bureaucracy, including significant downsizing.

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'Tis the season of bad driving
As the festive season approaches, drivers have to be more than ever cognizant of the dangers on the road. By applying some simple defensive driving techniques on our crowded streets, motorists can assist in halting the deadly trend taking place on the island's roads.

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