True to its mission to facilitate the educational, social and economic development of persons with disabilities in Jamaica, the organisation has been offering vocational rehabilitation programmes for persons with disabilities in Jamaica. These include:
Identifying and registering persons with disabilities in Jamaica
Early childhood stimulation programmes for children 0-6 years. The aim of this programme is to improve the development of children with any kind of disability through specialised stimulation and training.
Guidance and training centre where each client is provided with vocational training and taught independence living skills.
The creation of workshops to provide opportunities for employment.
Assistance in finding employment for persons with disabilities.
Ensuring the adoption, circulation and acceptance of the national policy for persons with disabilities.
In trying to fulfil its role, the following are some of the facilities it operates:
1. Hostel
The council operates a hostel for girls and young women with disabilities needing residual accommodation to access training and employment opportunities in the Corporate Area.
2. Paradise Prints
The only sheltered workshop operated by the council, this is a production workshop which has been in operation since 1975 and produces batik and tie-dye material for sale. The workshop employs 12 persons with various disabilities ranging from mental and physical to hearing impairment.
3. Woodside workshop
Woodside workshop is a training workshop which began operating in February 1983. At this workshop training is provided in food preparation for clients with disabilities as well as able-bodied people. A bakery is also operated at this workshop.
4. Lucea workshop
Located at Fort Charlotte, Lucea, Hanover, this workshop produces small wooden and bamboo items, simple garments and bedside rugs, and is also used as an outlet for the sale of finished goods produced at the other workshops.
5. Guidance and Training Centre
This centre is located at Paradise Street in Rae Town and provides individual counselling and training for persons with disabilities. The centre was established in 1975 and can accommodate up to 45 students.
The centre also carries out preliminary assessment and evaluation of clients and offers remedial education in conjunction with Jamaica Foundation For Lifelong Learning. A free hot meal is served at midday.
At the centre there are workshops in which the clients are taught woodwork, papier mché, leather craft and shoe repair.
6. Early Stimulation Programme (ESP)
The ESP has been in operation since 1977. The programme focuses on improving the development, stimulation and training of children in the 0-6 age group.