I am more than lost at this time. Either our country has gone mad, blind, or the cry of the common man is not reflected in the writers to the press or are not interviewed by pollsters, or even worse.
The present government came in after the former was alleged to have committed 18 years of corruption. The present government is governing only two years now, and before it reached two years corruption has reared its ugly head, with the JUTC apparently the most targeted.
Ironically, one of the garrulous opposers has gone strangely quiet, now that he is sitting in the seat of accountability. Audley Shaw, who was fired up with solutions and gossips while in Opposition, now has no ideas of his own to use to boost himself. Armed with several ministers of finance to advise him, he provided the country with a Budget that was so ridiculous that it became a laughing stock; its disastrous fixing should have nailed his coffin as minister of finance.
Meantime, is somebody playing with the life of one of our nationals? Why is the press convicting 'Dudus' before evidence is provided? Has the United States provided Jamaica with any evidence of a crime conducted by the man? America has no jurisdiction over Jamaica and, moreover, I cannot believe that we could sign any treaty which would suggest that we can give over any of our citizen to America without evidence. I do hope that none of our Jamaican leaders of the present government has anything to do with this debacle, because 'Dudus' existed under the previous government without any discontent.
I support no government and am not a closet politician. As a Jamaican, I want to see a different set of people from the People's National Party and Jamaica Labour Party managing our country.
I am, etc.,
Irish Town