Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | September 6, 2009
Home : Letters
Protect the environment
The Editor, Sir:

Jamaican governments have shown little interest in environmental protection. If they did, one of the finest harbours in the world would not have been polluted and destroyed. Some of our most beautiful hinterlands would not be marred by ponds filled with waste from bauxite plants.

If we cared about our country, our coastline would not be paved over with concrete and huge hotels that degrade our beaches and reefs. If we had a government that cared about the future of our country, there would be stringent regulations and severe penalties for those who would destroy our watersheds and hillsides with sprawling concrete structures.

Unfortunately, we have been led by short-sighted men who continue to abuse our environment in the name of short-term progress. They fail to understand that a pristine environment is our greatest asset.

If we continue on our present course we will not be able to avert a looming environmental tragedy. I hope men like Peter Espeut continue to raise their voices.

I am, etc.,




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