Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | August 31, 2009
Home : Flair
Play it safe
Latoya Grindley, Gleaner Writer


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are passed on predominantly through sexual contact. Because of this, all sexually active individuals are put at risk of getting infected, especially those who do not safeguard themselves against these infections. While STIs are health hazards and can be detrimental if left unattended, they can be treated and it is advised that once symptoms are felt or seen, treatment should be sought.

Most of the STIs have symptoms which can be identified within a few days of exposure and can be treated once diagnosis confirms the bacteria or virus. Three types of STIs, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and herpes, will be explored in this story.

According to Dr Heron Edwards of Edwards Medical Centre, the more common symptoms for both gonorrhoea and chlamydia can be seen and felt within a day or two of contact. "For gonorrhoea in both male and female, there is usually a burning discomfort and/or a yellow discharge coming from the penis or vagina and this may or may not have an odour."

For chlamydia, while the symptoms may present themselves, they could be harder to identify. "While persons may notice symptoms within two days, it can sometimes take longer. Because of its clear discharge, persons may be unaware and may only take notice of a burning sensation which causes discomfort when they urinate," says Dr Edwards.

Viral infection

As it relates to herpes, Dr Orville Nembhard, general practitioner at Health Plus Associates, says unlike the previously mentioned STIs which are caused by bacteria, herpes is actually a viral infection. He says the time between exposure and having symptoms could possibly go up to about two weeks but these symptoms aren't at times readily noticeable. "It can go into a latent phase which means it moves from the person contracting the virus straight into dormancy without the person experiencing any symptoms. And the virus will remain in the body for months without any knowledge of it." When this happens, the doctor notes that the person may pass on the virus, oblivious to the fact that he or she is infected.

Outbreaks that come in the form of sores or blisters on the face or mouth and genital area are associated with herpes. As for the outbreaks on the face or mouth, Dr Nembhard says these are normally referred to as night fever.

Gonorrhoea and chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics. "The duration of treatment is dependent on what method of treatment is used; for instance, if injection is used as opposed to tablets but overall it is antibiotics that are used to treat these infections caused by bacteria," highlights Dr Nembhard.

Antiviral treatments

For herpes, which can be treated but not cured, antiviral treatments are given to patients. Antiviral treatments are specially designed to treat viruses like herpes. Nembhard says, "These treatments will not cure herpes but will suppress the virus. These treatments are taken whenever there is a flare-up of the virus."

One important piece of information to always bear in mind is that even if there are no visible signs of sores or blisters, transmission of the herpes virus is possible. The virus is spread by direct contact such as kissing as well as sexual contact including oral and anal sex.

To prevent transmission of these STIs, below are measures you can implement if you or your partner is infected:

Herpes - Always use a latex condom during sexual intercourse or contact as this reduces the chances of spreading the virus. Avoid having sex during flare-ups or breakouts as it is easily transmitted during this time and avoid any direct contact like kissing during that time.

For both gonorrhoea and chlamydia, avoid any sexual contact during the time of exposure to the bacteria until treatment has ended.

Look out for part 2 next week.

Additional sources:

http://herpes-coldsores.com/ std/chlamydia.htm

http://herpes-coldsores.com/ std/gonorrhoea.htm

http://herpes-coldsores.com/ std/herpes.htm


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