Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | November 14, 2009
Home : Sport
Inaugural Paralympic Committee representation
For the first time, Jamaica is to be represented at the International Paralympic Committee's (IPC) Conference and General Assembly to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between November 19 and 21.

Representing the island will be First vice-president of the Jamaica Paralympic Association, Christopher L. Samuda, and secretary general of JPA, Suzanne Harris-Henry.

The conference will focus on national classification strategies, the IPC's licences programme for athletes, organisational development, marketing programmes and initiatives and career programmes.

Mr Samuda and Mrs Harris-Henry are set to leave the island on Monday, November 16, and are due to return on November 24.

Jamaica has enjoyed success at the Paralympic Games over the years, having secured gold, silver and bronze medals and has set world records.

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