Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | November 14, 2009
Home : Letters
Church must reclaim its mission
The Editor, Sir:

The arguments for or against Sunday horse racing is currently heating up the platforms of Jamaica's talking arena. This topic is not new, because similar to the arguments for or against legalising same-sex romantic unions, abortions, drug abuse (ganja), casinos and other forms of European and North American vices in Jamaica, the arguments for or against Sunday horse racing in Jamaica has been simmering for quite a long time now.

What is new, however, is the recent announcement that the horse-racing company, will add Sunday meet to its weekly card. This announcement presents the Jamaican public with a new topic for the fired-up and energised opinion leaders in the general media, pulpits, and host of other centres of opinion making.

This letter is not arguing for or against of Sunday horse racing or any other forms of gambling in Jamaica. My major purpose is to draw attention to the attitudes and behaviours of so many of the nation's influential religious opinion leaders, who will spend substantial time and energy steaming about "the evil of Sunday horse racing".

holy anger

Many church pulpits and other religious talking platforms are already caught up in the outpouring of rebuke, holy anger and righteous indignation against what some see as the evil influence of the gambling industry and its regulatory governmental authority.

We all know that every person, including the influential leaders in our civil and democratic society, has the right to express opinions on national issues as they may see fit. This means that church pulpiteers have the right to get as 'steamy' as they wish, about Sunday horse racing in Jamaica.

But, on the other hand, my question is: What is the extent of the churches' response to the present reality of the growing culture of corruption, crime and violence, killing of innocent children, savagery-type murders and rapes of women and children?

The church in Jamaica must rise up under God and carry out her mission and mandate for the survival of our naturally beautiful island state and her people.

I am, etc.,



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