Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | November 14, 2009
Home : Lead Stories
Keeping the spirit alive: Salvation Army launches Christmas Kettle
Courtney Castello, Gleaner Intern

"Let this Christmas catch you in good mood," a line from a popular song done by Joe Gibbs in the 1970s, epitomises the spirit the Salvation Army is hoping will be extended to the many needy children and indigent this Christmas season.

To kick-start the spirit of giving this Christmas, the Salvation Army launched its Christmas Kettle yesterday in downtown Kingston.

The Christmas Kettle dates back to 1891, when Captain Joseph McFee launched the tradition, which has spread throughout the world.

The Salvation Army, in collaboration with ScotiaBank, are but two of the entities that have run with the idea of not only putting on their pots at home for their families and loved ones, but embracing the true spirit of giving to the less fortunate of the society.

Mayor of Kingston Desmond Mckenzie, in his address to the audience at the launch of the 2009 Salvation Army's Christmas Appeal, said, "We need to reaffirm the sacred foundation that supports the gift-giving tradition of the Christmas season and remember that while we spend and eat and drink, we must let the red kettle remind us of those that cannot spend, eat or drink!"

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