Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | November 14, 2009
Home : Commentary
Consult health professionals
The Editor, Sir:

I was somewhat flabbergasted at the headline 'Bloody disgrace', carried by your newspaper recently. After I read the article, I feel compelled to make the following recommendations to the minister of health, Rudyard Spencer:

For each month in a parliamentary year, pay special attention to a critical issue facing the health sector, e.g. the recent issue at the Blood Bank.

meet more often

Mr Minister, you seem to be aware of a lot of things happening in the health sector. However, I am imploring you, since free health care came about under your watch, please meet more often with the nurses and doctors, who are intimate with the situation at hospitals, clinics, etc. and get valuable feedback on the issues that they would deal with every so often.

Please Mr Spencer, grab the bull by the horns and bring back some confidence to our health sector and like me and my fellow Jamaicans, we want to see this critical ministry excelling to the point where it can be compared with the best.

I am, etc.,



Siloah P.O

St Elizabeth

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