Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | November 14, 2009
Home : Commentary
Those who can, should pay
The Editor, Sir:

The Government has to seriously consider the financial needs of the health sector. It is difficult to run any type of business on almost empty. There has to be a way to fill the coffers.

Maybe, just maybe, we have to ask the citizens who can afford to pay for health care to do just that.

On the horizon looms the fast oncoming train of an increase in the so-called swine flu. MSNBC recently reported that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has now confirmed, for period April to October this year, 4,000 deaths, 540 children included.

adequate shots

We cannot lock down our airports, we have to have adequate shots and money.

We already have NIS, HEART, education, NHT, and the fuel tax. Jamaica needs to establish a health care fund.

If the people get value for money, we will all be happier, and we will probably end up being the number-one happiest people in the world.

I am, etc.,



Black River

St Elizabeth

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