Hopping mad over Henry's stunt
I note with disappointment the photo on the front page of The Gleaner of September 21, 2009, where Minister of Transport and Works Mike Henry is seen 'hopping' on the side of an SUV to take a ride across the new Upper Waterloo Road bridge.
I don't need to restate the obvious safety signals Henry is sending to the public. I hope he won't have a problem with our schoolers 'hopping' onto one of the JUTC busses in similar fashion. The Gleaner must also shoulder some responsibility for publishing this picture and sending the wrong message.
Also why the obvious JLP symbols of green shirt and hat? Permit me my moment of naivete, but was it the JLP that built the bridge, or the Government with taxpayers' money? Over to you Mr Prime Minister.
- Chris Gooden goodenchris@gmail.com Kingston
Youths deserve medals too
Bolt is well deserving of the highest honour. While I am not trivialising the many years of service that the writer spoke about in regards to Father Ho Lung or others, but we need to start opening up our minds. The young, too, are deserving of medals.
Bolt, in his short life, has put Jamaica on top. He is phenomenal and young people are inspired by him. He is giving our young people hope and dreams. No longer do you have to serve 40 or 50 years to be recognised. Do we even know what the future holds? How many of us will live to serve 40 or 50 years. It is time to start lifting up our young people.
Annette Mitchellanne21110@hotmail.comLawrence, New York
Well deserved
A public icon like Usain Bolt deserves to be recognised by his country. Not only is he famous here at home but also abroad, a household name that even the little children like to call, especially when its fun time. I think he will live up to the expectation of the honour of Order of Jamaica.
He will no doubt motivate the youth of today. He loves his country, the people, the music and life itself why not give him a chance to live it to its fullest in fine style? We have a good person that the world needs, why not find opportunity to keep him?
Now that he has been honoured let us move on to find out what he can do to sell Jamaica better, not only in sport but tourism or any other area needed. Utilise his success and let him help in whichever way he can.
R. MORRISrovemo@yahoo.comFalmouth