2,000 guests
1. For the big event out west, the organisers have 'invited' 2,000 people. If that was not bad enough, the 'invitation' came with a rider soliciting contribution to help defray costs.
Good for charity
2. Some in high places are campaigning in earnest to have the 'prodigal' returned and reinstalled. Others say he should return but in a different capacity. They recommend he heads up some charity organisation.
Bachelor's pad
3. The wife has kicked him out of the matrimonial home, so the businessman has now acquired a bachelor's pad until things cool down.
State of flux
4. Some are saying, in anticipation of those who are expected to come calling, the community has been well and truly fortified. The news has left many in a state of flux. Others are just scared.
First commitment
5. Detractors say it's a case of those who want to access certain funds have to give a commitment to making a contribution to a favourite charity before they are even considered.
Changes coming
6. Some are expecting some more upheavals in the public and private sector. They say hard times demand drastic measures, and that will require new personnel and not just a case of musical chairs.
It's time to go!
7. The wife's lawyers have served papers demanding a listing of all assets. Seems like she is ready to go it alone after years in a marriage that saw the husband fathering several children outside of the matrimonial home. Her friends are all chiming in with the chorus: "It's about time!" He says everything is in a trust for the kids and to disturb it would diminish their value as transfers would attract tax. She is adamant, though!
What's happening?
8. People who use some government entities are complaining that they cannot get any business done when they go through the legitimate channels, but the touts who set up offices in these buildings and organisations have no such trouble.