Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | September 17, 2009
Home : Lead Stories
UWI gets over swine flu

Normal operations are scheduled to resume at the University of the West Indies today, following the lifting of the restriction on social activities which had been imposed in the wake of an outbreak of the influenza A (H1N1) virus on the campus.

"The University Health Centre has indicated that the situation continues to improve with a significant decline in the number of persons presenting with flu-like symptoms, and the majority have had a full recovery within 36 hours," the UWI said in a release yesterday.

"Members of staff, students and the wider community are reminded that, while the threat has abated, they still have a personal responsibility to help slow the spread of the flu virus through regular washing of hands with soap and water, the use of hand sanitisers, and the proper disposal of tissue with respiratory mucus."

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