Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | January 23, 2010
Home : News
'You have to take ownership'


Chairman of the Consultative Monitoring Group (CMG) at the Public Sector Transformation Unit (PSTU), Peter Moses, has said that ministers and state agencies must take ownership of the transformation programme if it is to be successful.

"This project will not happen, driven by (PSTU) ... the permanent secretaries, ministers and staff have to take ownership of this project. I get a sense so far that everybody we have interacted with accepts that there is an opportunity here to make a difference, and (it would be good) if we can build on that and build it into ownership. I think the ownership is spreading beyond the unit because if it only stayed there, we can stop," he said.

He was speaking at a 'Think Tank' Tuesday at the JIS' Half-Way Tree Road headquarters.

broad-based representation

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the PSTU, Patricia Sinclair-McCalla, informed that each ministry and agency has been asked to establish an Inter-disciplinary Transition Team, which should have broad-based representation, and it is this team, which will lead the change process in each entity.

"These are the people with whom we will work very closely and with whom your heads of agencies and permanent secretaries should play a central role. It will comprise for example, human resource director, finance manager, communications specialist in your respective ministry and agency and whomever else you deem fit to be a part of that nucleus, which will manage the change process," she explained.

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