Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | January 23, 2010
Home : Lead Stories

Gang buster, Security minister vows to disrupt criminal networks
THE POLICE are going to be given additional powers to target gangsters as part of increased efforts to disrupt criminal gangs.

Deported Muslim cleric arrives home, Investigators place al-Faisal under their microscope
JAMAICAN-BORN Muslim cleric, Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal, was quizzed by Special Branch investigators for nearly an hour when he returned to the island last night.

Tanker collision causes major scare, Screaming passengers spared the worst
JAMAICA WAS miraculously spared another awful catastrophe yesterday after a tanker filled with oil ploughed into a Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) bus filled with passengers and a large delivery truck along Marcus Garvey Drive.

More kudos for JUTC hero
AN ELDERLY woman gave Annette Howard a high five upon realising the Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) driver was the person who took injured passengers to hospital when AA flight 331 crashed.

Bingham's attorneys hail AG's decision in extradition matter
RESPONDING TO a story published in yesterday's Gleaner, the legal team of Prestley Bingham said the Minister of Justice, Senator Dorothy Lightbourne, exercised the overriding authority expressly reserved to her by extradition law to protect citizens...

Civilian force coming - Nelson
NATIONAL SECURITY Minister Dwight Nelson has repeated his plan to create a civilian force to assist the police.Last May, in his first address after being appointed to head the security ministry, Nelson argued that a reserve force was a possible solution...

Renewed calls for revision of Noise Abatement Act
REPRESENTATIVES FROM the entertainment industry and the academic fraternity have made a number of recommendations to deal with issues linked to the Noise Abatement Act while promoting the development of Jamaican music.

Invest in alternative energy sources - Moss-Solomon
CHAIRMAN OF the Scientific Research Council (SRC) James Moss-Solomon is calling on the private sector to use its financial and creative might to invest in alternative energy sources. This approach, according to Moss-Solomon...

Farewell to fallen 'soldiers' in Haiti
THE ROYAL Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) troops yesterday said farewell to two of their colleagues who died during the massive earthquake which hit Haiti more than a week ago.In a brief early morning ceremony at the Toussaint L'Ouverture International...

Finally, Homeowners receive land titles
LINSTEAD, St Catherine:More than 100 persons were presented with their land titles, under the Land Administration and Management Programme (LAMP), during a ceremony at the Linstead Baptist Church on Thursday.Board Chairman...

Police beef up crime-fighting efforts
KINGSTON: Although last year the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) made significant strides in arresting and prosecuting corrupt members, assistant commissioner in charge of anti-corruption, Justin Felice, says that the force is moving towards a more...

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