Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | December 15, 2009
Home : Commentary
An appeal to athletes

I would like this to be an open letter to our Jamaican athletes, especially to Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell.

Upon seeing what has happened to Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, and many other famous persons, I would like to warn them to be careful. The persons who 'big you up' today will not hesitate for a juicy story, to tear you down tomorrow.

To Usain, I know you are young and probably very trusting of people around you, but be very careful, especially when travelling overseas.

During this time of the Christmas festive season, enjoy yourself, but remember who you are and that many are watching you.

To Asafa, don't sell out. You were brought up in a Christian home. Hold your head up high; you tend to hang your head down too much. You are a strong individual with a big heart. You are young and have a long way to go and more to give. So, chin up and stay clean.

I pray God's blessing on all our athletes this Christmas season and I hope they do remember the reason for the season: it is all about Him, Jesus the Christ.

Marcia Tomlinson

marcia tomlinson@yahoo.com

Spanish Town

St Catherine

Entrapment of Buju?

I really believe that Buju's arrest was the result of entrapment. The foreign gay alliance has been trying to destroy Buju's career since he sang Boom Bye Bye. They have been protesting against him for years.

Buju, on the other hand, should have been more careful. He should have been on his Ps and Qs.

This alliance has also been upset that Prime Minister Bruce Golding spoke against the gay and lesbian lifestyle in Jamaica earlier this year. I believe that they are venting their frustration on Buju and using him as an example.

Elrica Francis-Kersaint


New Jersey


HBO en espaņol

I read an article in your paper about HBO coming to an agreement with the major cable companies. I thought perhaps you might want to do a follow-up highlighting the fact that despite some of the programmes being in English, all of the advertisements between them are in Spanish.

Also, if there is a movie playing in Spanish, there are no subtitles. Clearly, your previous articles referring to the cable company heads saying that HBO was forcing them to show Spanish feeds were spot on. So, despite your article and all the other positive public relations proclaiming the return of HBO, what has really happened is that we've got some new channels in a language we don't speak.



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