Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | December 7, 2009
Home : News
Cop, lawyer face the music - Arrested, charged for abusing St James police chief - Lawmen pull plug on Bolt's SuperParty in St Ann

United States track star Wallace Spearmon shares the stage with Usain Bolt at his SuperParty in St Ann. Cops shut down the party at 4:20 a.m. yesterday. - Photo by Janet Silvera

A lawyer and a woman constable are in hot water after reportedly roughing up the divisional head of the St James police in a fuss over loud music on the weekend.

Acting Commissioner of Police Owen Ellington has ordered the immediate interdiction of Woman Constable Trullian Brown, who allegedly verbally abused her superior.

Brown, who is attached to the Clarendon Police Division, was arrested and charged early Sunday morning by the Montego Bay police with obstructing the police and using indecent language.

Reports are that approximately 10:30 p.m. on Saturday, a team of police personnel from Montego Bay responded to calls from residents living near the Back Stage Villa and Bar, just off Gloucester Avenue, in the St James capital. Residents complained about the loud noise emanating from the entertainment establishment.

Summoned again

The owner of the premises was warned and the volume turned down. However, the police were summoned three hours later for the same complaint. Led by Superin-tendent Maurice Robinson, who is in charge of the St James Police Division, the lawmen returned to the venue.


The superintendent was physically assaulted by Lennox Gayle, an attorney-at-law, and verbally abused by the constable, the police said.

Gayle was arrested by the police for breaches of the Noise Abatement Act, assaulting a police officer, improper conduct and resisting arrest.

Both Gayle and Brown were arrested, charged and granted bail. They are to appear in the Montego Bay Residents Magistrate's Court this week.

The police were also in lockdown mode in St Ann at the weekend, as they pulled the plug on track and field superstar Usain Bolt's SuperParty at Richmond Estate, St Ann, yesterday morning.

The organisers of the Bolt party were granted a two-hour extension on the previously agreed 2 a.m. cut-off time, but this was breached, the police reported.

"The St Ann police halted the event approximately 4:20 a.m. after onstage performances were still continuing and there were no visible signs that the stage show was coming to an end," read a statement from Karl Angell, constabulary spokesman.

Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Glenmore Hinds has warned show promoters that they should abide by the 2 a.m. deadline.

"It's not a plan to crack down, but for some time we have been experiencing concern, by residents and members of the law-enforcement community, of persons in breach of the (Noise Abatement) Act. It will be an ongoing process," Hinds told The Gleaner yesterday afternoon.

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