LETTER OF THE DAY - The crime-fighting paradox
The Editor, Sir: In seems like in Jamaica, the war against crime is also a war against law enforcement. The paradox is real, and it is disturbing. Corruption has blurred the line between the good police and the bad police. The Jamaica Constabulary Force ...
To quench Jamaica's thirst
The Editor, Sir: Harold Stewart's letter on water storage (December 4) has hit the nail on the head. In most of my classes at the University of Guelph, I fell asleep, as I was 42 years when I started, and sluggish...
Revisit Church policy
The Editor, Sir: The matter of some clergy holding confidential information learnt during confession, which would be helpful in solving a crime and or preventing one, highlights the fact that the Church should be constantly reflecting on, and changing...
In defence of Richard Byles
THE EDITOR, Sir: ON THURSDAY, December 3, an article 'Byles misses a plan' by Devon Dick was published. It is quite obvious he did not put much thought into what he wrote. What use is a plan if it is not properly implemented ...
A 'gullyfied' education system
THE EDITOR, Sir: IT IS often said that schools reflect the social and political order of the society in which they operate. If we agree with this premise, why then are we all outraged by what I refer to as the Gaza and 'gullyfication'...