Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | December 7, 2009
Home : Flair
Face Forward - a dream come true
Nashauna Drummond, Lifestyle Coordinator

Face Forward's director Sharon Wint (right), tests a shade on customer, Andrea Smith at the opening of her store, located at Shop #19A, Orchid Village Plaza, 20 Barbican Road. - Winston Sill / Freelance Photographer

Last FRIDAY, Sharon Wint's childhood hobby became her new career path at the grand opening of her store Face Forward, at the Orchid Village plaza on Barbican Road, St Andrew.

Not only does Face Forward carry some of the hottest brands in cosmetics such as Mud, Mac, Iman, Girlactic and Milani, it also carries some of the hottest Brazilian and Colombian lines such as Rygy, Lisa Lozano, Salinas, Anne Cole and Saha, making it a woman's perfect place to shop.

Love for beauty

Ten years ago, Wint was selling cosmetics out of her car. Her love for the world of beauty began as a teenager in high school. "It started from I was in school, first at Clarendon College and then St Andrew High. I'm always putting make-up on my friends and if they had anywhere to go, or if there was a function at school, I would do their make-up. I started selling it and then I did a course at Face Place," she said.

Wint got the name for her store from the third book of the same name by legendary make-up artist, Kevyn Aucoin.

She is very excited about this new venture, after leaving the corporate world to do what she loves. "My friends wondered if I was crazy to leave my 'good good' job." Wint worked as a financial controller at American Assurance and spent 14 years in finance. "I did it for the love. I really love what I'm doing; I love when I do someone's face and they exclaim, 'wow'. I like to make people feel good about themselves. And I know what you put in is what you get out," she told Flair determinedly.

From left: Lorraine Codling and Andrea Smith admire the jewellery selection at Face Forward's launch last Friday.

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