Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Letters
Overcoming judicial fears

PERMIT ME the space in your paper to say thank you to two judges. On October 1, I had to attend the Spanish Town Civil Court. I was so afraid of going. From childhood, I was of the opinion that judges were always frowning and very austere. Her honour on that day was very sympathetic to my case and made me feel respected.

Change view

My case had to be rescheduled for October 5, at Greater Portmore, St Catherine. His honour who presided was equally as under-standing. He recognised my trepidation and dealt with my case with utmost kindness.

The outcome was favourable and my impression of judges is no more that of an ogre.

Thank you, your honours, for helping me to overcome a childhood fear.

I am, etc.,



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