Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - A win-win situation for revived JRC
THE EDITOR, Sir:I WOULD like to comment on Dennie Quill's article in The Gleaner on Wednesday, regarding whether the resuscitation of the railway will do more harm than good. I think the Jamaica Railway Corporation (JRC) can be good if it is privately operated ...

I'm not buying that story!
THE EDITOR, Sir: As A former student of the Duhaney Park Primary School, I can tell you that the students there are smart. I do not believe that a 10-year-old girl will wander from the school compound just like that...

Dangers of majority views
THE EDITOR, Sir: I AM amazed at the recent statements attributed to Portia Simpson Miller in relation to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As stated in The Gleaner of October 21...

Forget CCJ, stay local
THE EDITOR, Sir: OUR GOVERNMENT and Opposition are debating whether the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) should be our final court of appeal. As a young university student in Barbados, I urge them to eliminate such a discourse...

Overcoming judicial fears
THE EDITOR, Sir: PERMIT ME the space in your paper to say thank you to two judges. On October 1, I had to attend the Spanish Town Civil Court. I was so afraid of going. From childhood...

Porn on the buses
The Editor, Sir: On Friday, October 16, about 7:35 p.m. the driver of a Toyota coaster bus overtook me on Constant Spring Road going south just below Mary Brown's Corner in the vicinity of Oaklands...

Montague sends the wrong signal
The Editor, Sir: A Sunday Gleaner report of September 20 under the heading 'Unregistered draughtsmen bad for business' left me wondering if we really will ever get out of the squalor that pervades this country through ...

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