Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Lead Stories
Annaleise rescuer's case off until Monday
Barbara Gayle, Staff Reporter

The woman who is charged in connection with the two-day disappearance of 10-year-old Annaleise Davis from the Duhaney Park Primary School in St Andrew appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday.

Carolyn Bygrave, 24, had her bail extended to Monday, October 26, when the case will be mentioned. She appeared before Resident Magistrate Georgiana Fraser.

Bygrave is accused of breaches of the Child Care and Protection Act.

Arrested and charged

She was arrested and charged after she brought the child, who was reported missing from school on October 13, to the Cross Roads Police Station on October 15.

It is alleged that Bygrave reported that she found the little girl wandering along Hope Road, St Andrew, on the afternoon of October 13. She allegedly told the police that she took the child to her house in a Kingston 5 community, where the girl spent two nights.

The little girl's disappearance led to a protest at her school on October 14 by residents, who claimed the school was negligent.

The child was also taken to the Centre for Investigation of Sexual Offences and Child Abuse, where she was examined and interviewed.


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