Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Entertainment
Something extra

Left: Miss Jamaica World 2009 Kerrie Baylis gives us a coy look while showing off her wardrobe at Spartan Health Club, Lady Musgrave Road, on Tuesday. Right: The ever gorgeous Bridgette Rhoden wore black for the occasion. - Photos by Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

Our page gushes beauty today. The women of National Commercial Bank (NCB) were looking fab on Tuesday night at the NCB Nation Builder Awards. Plus, Miss Jamaica World Kerrie Baylis turned heads with the wardrobe she will take to the Miss World pageant later this year.

Left: Quite frankly, words fail us with this creation that Kerrie sports stunningly well. Right: Belinda Williams (left) and Denise Johnston make a grand entrance at the National Commercial Bank's Nation Builder Awards ceremony at the Hilton Kingston hotel on Tuesday. - Photos by Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer

Left: NCB Assistant General Manager (SME) Bernadette Barrow could not go unnoticed at the awards. Right: Kerrie Baylis gets rootsy in black, red, green and gold.

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