Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Entertainment

Port Royal Seafood Festival a smash hit
Michael Jackson's musical legacy continued to shine bright and main act Beenie Man thrilled his fans to perfection as the Grace Tropical Rhythms Port Royal Seafood Festival, held at the Port Royal football field, in east Kingston, ended in fine style on Monday...

Something extra
Our page gushes beauty today. The women of National Commercial Bank (NCB) were looking fab on Tuesday night at the NCB Nation Builder Awards. Plus, Miss Jamaica World Kerrie Baylis turned heads with the wardrobe she will take to the Miss World pageant...

Thursday talk
Hottest topics on the cocktail circuit - Not good. 1 She is the only talk on the weekend and the consensus is: she's not good for the profession.

Dilemma over pricing of e-books
NEW YORK (AP):The latest weapon in the publishing price wars: Stephen King.

Google to unveil music search
LOS ANGELES (AP):Google will launch music search pages next week that will come with the ability to purchase songs for download.That's according to people familiar with the matter.

Tenor Placido Domingo about to turn baritone
NEW YORK (AP): At 68, he's past the usual retirement age, but Placido Domingo is still adding to a remarkable résumé that includes tenor, conductor and opera administrator.

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