Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 22, 2009
Home : Business

PM urges revision of business strategies
Prime Minister Bruce Golding believes a mindset change is needed when assessing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)."For too long we've seen small as an intermediate step to large. The world has changed. You can be small but profitable ...

Eyebrows raised about use of tourism fund
A PROJECT earmarked to cost more than $30 million, to be funded by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF), in the East Central St James Constituency of Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett, raised eyebrows yesterday, during an animated meeting of an oversight committee...

Gambling bill to be tabled Tuesday
The long-promised legislation to pave the way for casino gaming is to be tabled in Parliament next Tuesday, with debate on the bill to begin shortly after. The legislation had been tabled in the House of Representatives in July a year ago...

New international airport for Boscobel
Cabinet has given its blessing to plans to transform the Boscobel Aerodrome into the country's third international airport.The Airports Authority and the Tourism Enhancement Fund will foot the $300-million bill to finance the transformation, which will...

US considers stripping insurance industry's antitrust protection
Top Senate Democrats intend to try to strip the health-insurance industry of its exemption from federal antitrust laws, according to congressional officials, the latest evidence of a deepening struggle over US President Barack Obama's effort to overhaul...

Investors blown away by Apple
Wall Street knew Apple Inc's results for the most recent quarter would blow past the company's guidance, but investors clearly were not prepared for the 47 per cent jump in profit that Apple delivered.Apple's financial report "reinforces my view that...

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