Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | October 10, 2009
Home : News
Haddo snatches parish trophy

Camara Webber of Haddo Primary and Infant School, winner of the Westmoreland leg of The Gleaner's Children's Own Spelling Bee Finals. - Ian Allen/Photographer

WITH A constant light drizzle outside the Sean Lavery Faith Hall in Savanna-la-Mar, history was made yesterday as Haddo Primary grabbed hold of The Gleaner's Children's Own Spelling Bee parish trophy for the first time.

The Westmoreland school pitted representative Camara Webber against 46 other spellers who turned up to compete in the last spelldown of the 2009-10 parish finals.

The drizzle outside may well have been considered a blessing by Camara's mother, Carmen Gregg, who said she had placed her daughter's fate in the hands of God.

"The Lord has done it, because I talked to Him," the beaming mom said.

"I fast and I pray and while I was there (in the hall), I was doing the same thing."

Gregg continued to assert her faith in the power of God: "I asked the Lord to increase her memory and understanding so whenever the word comes through, she will remember every meaning."

And that Camara did, outspelling Shanique Allen of Unity Primary, a school which is no stranger to winning the trophy.

As Shanique's tears flowed freely, Camara's cup of joy overflowed.

"I am very happy," these words little representation of the actual joy illuminating the 11-year-old's face. "I was very eager to get the trophy," she said.

But getting there proved nerve-wracking for the sixth-grader, even on her second attempt at the title.

very anxious

"My heart was beating, my brain was jumping out of my head and I was very anxious," she said.

"I am very proud of myself and my teacher (Lisa Blackwood) for encouraging me," Camara said.

Blackwood promised to continue that encouragement. "I'm gonna work hard with her, along with her mummy, who worked with us," Blackwood told The Gleaner.

For the first time since the 2009 competition began, the champion boy did not figure in the top five. Shavar James of Savanna-la-Mar Primary finished seventh.


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