Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | October 10, 2009
Home : Letters
There are still honest Jamaicans

I am compelled to write and share my experience about what could have been my misfortune.

My family and I visited the Hellshire Beach in Portmore, St Catherine, on Sunday, September 20. After a lovely family outing, we visited one of the restaurants on the beach. I left the restaurant and headed home to Red Hills, St Andrew.

On reaching close to home, I realised that my purse was missing. Naturally, I freaked out as my credit cards, driver's licence and money were in it.

We decided to revisit the restaurant on the beach that evening in search of the purse. We were told by the business owner that the purse had been found by a family who left with it. The proprietor advised me that her daughters had written down the licence plates of the vehicles the family left in. I was truly impressed by this.

values and attitudes

Later that evening, we visited The Greater Portmore Police Station to make a report. Sergeant Allison, who was on duty, was most helpful.

The following morning, I received a call from Marie Cameron, who had found the purse at the restaurant. She said she called a contact number found in it and was given a number to reach me. I was extremely elated to have received my purse and all its contents.

The values and attitudes displayed by the proprietor, her daughters, the police sergeant and the Cameron family must be commended.

I was delighted to know that we still have Jamaicans who will go out of their normal course of business to assist another fellow Jamaican.

We need to instil these values and attitudes in our children so they can be an asset to our society. Let us all as Jamaicans strive to build a better Jamaica!

I am, etc.,


Red Hills

St Andrew

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