Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Saturday | October 10, 2009
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Fashion industry icon passes


A chapter in the fashion industry has closed. Norma Soas, the journalist, friend, wife, lecturer and fashion designer is dead.

Soas died Wednesday morning at home, days before her 36th wedding anniversary and near the start of fashion week activities slated to kick off in London, Milan, Paris and New York.

The 68-year-old entrepreneur, who will be most remembered for her breadfruit leaf print, has served in many capacities, local and overseas.

The ever-fashionable Soas was the fist female to work in the newsroom of the then Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation. She later worked for The Gleaner Company Ltd and served as assistant secretary of the Press Association of Jamaica for seven years.

Soas was also instrumental in establishing the National Family Planning Board's public relations programme, as well as coordinate the World Bank's Nutrition Education Programme.

Her career in the fashion industry hit the runway of success in the 1980s. With that success came numerous requests for her to lecture on fashion, both locally and abroad.

fashion career

Of her fashion career she said, "The fact that I have encouraged and helped a lot of people through lectures is one of my greatest contributions to the fashion industry.

"I like to be active and because I have varied spirits I'm involved in many things," she told The Gleaner in an interview.

The body of Norma Crichton, who married Dr John Soas on October 14, 1973, will be cremated. A thanksgiving service will be held at the St Andrew Parish Church on a date to be announced.

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