Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | September 6, 2009
Home : News

Buff Bay High prefects camp out for leadership
For students, summer camps are normally associated with loads of fun as memories of the previous school year fade and the one to come seems far away. However, the prefect body for the upcoming academic year at Buff Bay High School in Portland did not have a typical summer camp.

Jamaica College takes wings - Introduces aviation course
CAREER CHOICES for senior students at one of the country's oldest secondary institutions, the prestigious Jamaica College (JC), in Kingston, have widened with the introduction of an aviation programme in the school's curriculum, beginning this academic year.

43 suspected militants killed in Khyber
Pakistani troops killed 43 alleged militants in an operation in the Khyber tribal region while airstrikes left several more dead yesterday in the stronghold of the new Taliban chief elsewhere in the northwest, officials said.

Iraqi Arabs protest US plan for Kurdish patrols
Hundreds of Sunni Arabs opposed to the presence of Kurdish troops in disputed areas of northern Iraq demonstrated yesterday against a United States (US) proposal to deploy a mixed force of American, Kurdish and Iraqi soldiers in the area.

Top official in China's volatile Urumqi sacked
Chinese leaders bowed to public demands and sacked the head of a western city wracked by communal violence and a bizarre string of needle attacks, hoping to calm uneasy mobs and end protests that percolated for a third day yesterday.

Afghan's death journal
These are excerpts from journal entries by Associated Pres photo-grapher Julie Jacobson while she was embedded with United States Marines in Afghanistan's Helmand province before and after the death of Lance Cpl Joshua Bernard on August 14, 2009.

Careers - Jockeys riding their way to fame
Fancy earning around US$700,000 annually for doing something you love? The sum is in the region of what has been earned to date in 2009 by Rajiv Maragh, top Jamaican jockey on the American racing circuit.

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