Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | September 6, 2009
Home : Arts &Leisure

Now this is real 'stain' power!
As he reaches into a wooden cupboard inside his small workshop/kitchen, it's hard not to marvel at the man's dexterity. He's 83 after all, yet moves with the agility of an 18-year-old. He seems to just keep going (all day long), and exhibits signs that he's unaware of his own age.

Book review: Delroy in the Marog Kingdom, a family fantasy tale
Billy Elm's Delroy in the Marog Kingdom is firmly rooted in the Caribbean - which is the intention of MacMillan Caribbean's Island Fiction series that it is part of in the first place. So this 180-page piece of speculative fiction ... is set in a rural village that could be in any rain-drenched, sun-kissed Caribbean island.

SUNDAY SAUCE - Beauty for whom?
In a world of diversity, racial and otherwise, people are still being judged based on their looks. And we thought we had come a long way since slavery, segregation in the United States, xenophobia in the United Kingdom, and apartheid in South Africa. How naïve we are!

Lorna Goodison appointed collegiate professor at University of Michigan
Internationally acclaimed Jamaican literary artist/poet/ novelist, Lorna Goodison has been named Lemuel A Johnson collegiate professor of literature and Afro-American and African studies at the University of Michigan.

NCU Bulletin
President of Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Dr Herbert Thompson, leads a team of administrators and members of faculty to the prestigious Inter-American Division Teachers Congress in Cancun, Mexico, which runs from September 6-9.

UWI Notebook
One of the major challenges facing educators at the primary level is the lack of consensus among parents and teachers as to the approach that should be taken in covering the curriculum at that stage in a child's life.

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