LETTER OF THE DAY - Hoping for change
THE EDITOR, Sir: HAROLD MALCOLM's letter, 'Take Charge of the police force Mr Commissioner', said it and summed it up nicely. I am a Jamaican who left the island when I was six years old, and even though I did not see any of the atrocities...
Motivated by Usain Bolt
THE EDITOR, Sir: All Jamaicans, including the diaspora in every country feel a sense of pride over the accomplishment of Usain Bolt. He has accomplished a lot for himself and Jamaica, setting records and putting Jamaica on to the map.
Calling for EU help
THE EDITOR, Sir: I READ with interest various articles on proposed assistance to communities affected by the closure of banana plantations.Victoria Banana at Parnarsus adjoining York Town should be a prime area for a socio-economic study on communities...
A deeper education needed to save our country
THE EDITOR, Sir: WE ARE hearing time and time again that the lack of education is one of the major causes of crime and violence, and that we need to educate our people. But we need to get this education business clear ...